Despite the challenging weather threat, we had a full table of networkers, some looking to chat, others looking for work, and yet others looking for…
Author: Karen
Despite the wacky weather around Southern Oregon during the day (snow > rain > sunshine > blizzard > rain > sunshine), almost 30 people arrived…
CORE Business Services is the largest MSP in Southern Oregon. The company acts as an external I.T. Department for small businesses that are interested in…
About a dozen CocoaHeads braved the bitter cold (hovering around 40 degrees!) in Ashland to share news and tech connections at The Brickroom. They built…
This month brought new people to mix with regular attendees. Good news about people getting jobs locally; some after a long search; others are telecommuting.…
It was a cold and rainy night but several hearty individuals turned out for one of the best meetings we’ve had. What made the evening…
We welcomed two new attendees this month and a few folks who were returning after holiday absences, to bring the total to 13. Topics discussed…
The November meeting was attended by some new folks, including two SOU Students who are working with Version 4 of Unreal; doing real-time rendering. One…
CORE Business Services hosted their Fall Tech Talk at Four Daughters Irish Pub on Thursday, October 26. Quite a large group showed up to network…