Author: Karen

Swift Tech Workshop. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 14, 2016

A handful of attendees—including newcomers “referred” by—participated in the Swift Tech Workshop as Dave Hendrix and Eric Turner guided us through the elements of…

Charles, Eric, Gunnar, Dave, Ben, David, Gordon. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 7, 2016
Ryan assists his students. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
January 24, 2016
January 21, 2016

Tuesday, January 19th, Southern Oregon University in Partnership with Sustainable Valley Technology Group welcomed Ryan Evans to present on 3D modeling and OnShape modeling software.…

Attendees simulate a glut of messages being sent to a server (Harlan). Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
January 20, 2016
January 16, 2016
October 20, 2015

On October 20th, Greg Swartz of UL-DQS, Inc. presented a talk about the 2015 ISO 9001 Standard. UL-DQS: UL (Underwriters Laboratory) and DQS, Inc. (German registrar…

October 11, 2015

Thanks to Monty Zukowski for yet another great hands-on workshop on the subject of Python, one of the most useful programming languages out there. We…

May 23, 2015
April 18, 2015

This afternoon, we welcomed Priscilla Oppenheimer to present the basics of Network Design. Priscilla first reviewed some basic math and addressing topics, covering in great…