The Table Rock Campus of Rogue Community College (RCC) provided the setting for the SOREDI Manufacturing Summit on Embedded Smarts. This location of RCC focuses on Technical Trades. Sponsors included: Lifeline Computer Solutions, Moss Adams, OMEP, RCC, and Rogue Workforce Partnership.

Two breakout sessions offered a choice of four presentations: SMART Talent; CyberSecurity; R&D Tax Credits; and Additive Manufacturing. Attendees selected the two presentations that most-interested them. The Keynote Speaker was Pat Scruggs of Scruggs & Associates, who spoke about Creating Company Cultures that Value Continuous Learning.

The focus of the event was on manufacturing and related topics like finding—and training—the best talent, maintaining security on internal computer systems and networks, obtaining R&D tax credits and the difference between 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing.
The two presentations I attended were: Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Network, presented by Delmar Hussey of Lifeline Computer Solutions, and Additive Manufacturing: Catalyst for the Next Industrial Revolution! Both were great; the speakers were engaging and the talks were educational. Transcriptions, in .pdf form, are available for download here: Cybersecurity and AdditiveManufacturing.
Handouts, in .pdf form, are available for download here: Cybersecurity; Additive Manufacturing; R&D Tax Credits; SMART Talent; and Embedded Smarts.

A Taco Bar lunch was served following the Keynote Speech.

Networking abounded as attendees discovered others engaged in the manufacturing sector.

Steve Shilling, Dean, School of Science and Technology, presented an introduction to RCC Manufacturing Programs and Services. RCC instructors were available all afternoon for tours of the campus facilities.

Colleen Padilla, Executive Director of SOREDI, produced the event, which drew about 75 attendees from all over Southern Oregon.
We all appreciate the hard work that SOREDI performs to educate local businesses! To sign up for event notifications, please contact SOREDI via their website.
Author: Karen
Written: 10/14/17
Published: 10/15/17
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