Tech Talk on Incident Response in the Cloud
May 6, 2016
Verena, Dave, Eric, Matthew, Jason, Ben. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
April 16, 2016
April 16, 2016

Rob Head presented another great Tech Workshop on the Ruby Programming Language this afternoon. He started by having everyone log in to (an online…

April 9, 2016

Lots of interesting talk this evening; specifically about a new product from DAQ Connect getting involved in iOT technology with DAQBridge. This is in the…

April 4, 2016

A niche group of tech-oriented locals gathered at ScienceWorks for an early evening event where Executive Director Chip Lindsey announced that the non-profit museum plans…

March 6, 2016
February 29, 2016
Ben, Troy, Dave, Andres, Eric. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 14, 2016
Swift Tech Workshop. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 14, 2016

A handful of attendees—including newcomers “referred” by—participated in the Swift Tech Workshop as Dave Hendrix and Eric Turner guided us through the elements of…

Charles, Eric, Gunnar, Dave, Ben, David, Gordon. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
February 7, 2016