The Tech Talk tonight was presented by Karen, who focused on Networking as a primary method to connect with potential clients. Following is the WrapUp…
Category: WrapUps
WrapUps are summaries of group events, posted within RogueTechHub.
NOTE: The following is primarily transcribed narrative from Ray Reid, captured during a recent Tech Talk at the Rogue Techies Monthly Meeting. Some minor changes—a…
NOTE: The following is primarily transcribed narrative from Gunnar Engelbach, captured during a recent Tech Talk at the Rogue Techies Monthly Meeting. Some minor changes—a…
This was the first meeting of the newly-named Rogue Techies. Following a smack-down from the overriding CocoaHeads Overseeing Body, we decided to rename our group…
This month, we started a new format: Having a 30-minute Tech Talk at the start of the meeting. With this format, those people who want…
What a great gathering of sales, business and IT professionals from companies all around Southern Oregon! As the evening progressed and hors d’oeuvres arrived, everyone…
Six regulars were in attendance tonight as we discussed the challenge of coming up with a new name and, possibly, a new format that includes…
Our second meeting at Larks, inside Inn At The Commons in Medford, brought more new members and the return of a few people who have…