Randy, Sean, Daniel. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.

Software Craftsmanship: September 2016 MeetUp

Software Craftsmanship Rogue Valley launched their MeetUp last night, with about two dozen locals traveling from both “ends” of the Valley (Grants Pass and Ashland) to attend.

Doug, Jim, Jesse, Ed, Joe, Monty.
Doug, Jim, Jesse, Ed, Joe, Monty. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
Joe, Monty, Unknown, Chris, Greg. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
Joe, Monty, Unknown, Chris, Greg. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.

The interaction began with an ice breaker: tell two truths and one lie about yourself. It’s a good bet that most participants can recall the lies before they remember the truths; some of the lies were fairly outrageous! But fun.

Unknown, Chris, Luke, Greg, Brian, Kathleen, Jacob, Mike.
Unknown, Chris, Luke, Greg, Brian, Kathleen, Jacob, Mike. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
Greg, Brian, Jacob, Kathleen, Mike, John.
Greg, Brian, Jacob, Kathleen, Mike, John. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
John, Mercedes, Michelle, Sean, Jayne, Daniel, Vik, Joe.
John, Mercedes, Michelle, Sean, Jayne, Daniel, Vik, Joe. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.

Sean presented the Software Craftsmanship Manifesto and fielded comments from the audience.

Activities included posting a list of what attendees hoped to get out of the meetUp:

  • What tech/skills are being used/needed in today’s marketplace
  • How to develop mass software
  • Gaming
  • More about other languages
  • Share other experiences
  • How to keep students in this area
  • How to work with others/end users in software
  • Practice presentations/talks
  • Mentor-type program


Posting Expectations.
Posting Expectations. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.

Then, markers were passed out and attendees were invited to declare topics they would be willing to talk about at future meetings:

  • Robotic Programming
  • Go Language
  • Authentication
  • Machine Learning
  • Software Architecture / Design Patterns
  • Sharing approaches to solving commonly-encountered real-world problems
  • Database GUI; i.e., Drupal
  • Presenting & Collecting Data
  • Bash Scripting
  • Relational Database Structure
  • Systems Analysis Process
  • React Native
  • Mongo DB
  • Cross-Platform Apps; i.e., Cordova for Android
  • Workflows
  • Developer Tools
  • Binary Tree Sorting
  • A* / 0* Pathfinding
  • SLAM (Localization & Mapping)
  • Isomorphic Code
  • UX/UI Design
  • SEO
  • Capability Security
  • ANTLR Parsing Toolkit
  • Elm Language
  • A.I.
  • Node.js
  • Functional Programming
  • Elixr / Phoenix
Ready To Present Topics.
Ready To Present Topics. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ready To Present Topics.
Ready To Present Topics. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.
Ready To Present Topics.
Ready To Present Topics. Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Craftsmen plan to meet on the Last Tuesday of the Month, at Zeal. Social hour (with complimentary pizza) begins at 6:00 p.m. and the event ends around 8:00 or 8:30 p.m.

Join us on October 25, 2016, starting at 6:00 for the October meetUp!

Author: Karen
Written: 9/27/16
Published: 9/28/16
Copyright © 2016, FPP, Inc. All rights reserved.