Following a brief review of projects produced by participants during last month’s Elixir workshop, Sean introduced the Phoenix Framework to the group.

Everyone was invited to install Elixir, if necessary, and then install dependencies.

Sean then demonstrated a simple example of a ToDo List as a project for the group to do on their computers, in a virtual sandbox, using a configuration manager (like WebPack) to manage aspects of the app.

Most of the participants worked through the project on their computers, while others looked on and absorbed the information tangentially.

Sean extended an invitation for volunteers to conduct future workshops at next month’s Software Craftsmanship meeting. If you are interested in presenting a workshop, here is a list of ideas from a past meeting:
- Node.js
- Cryptography
- JS Frameworks
- Web Security
- Algorithms
- Mobile Web Technologies
- Design Patterns
This group continues to be welcoming—and focused on learning more about crafting well-designed and well-written code. Join us each Last Tuesday of each month at Zeal World HQ!
Author: Karen
Written: 3/4/17
Published: 3/4/17
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