The Rogue River Room in SOU’s Stevenson Union was the venue for the 7th Annual EMCon (Emerging Media & Digital Arts Convention); a showcase for art work produced by eMDA Students.

Displays surrounded the room and included every imaginable category of art.

Moving through the room and chatting with the individual artists provided new insight into both the art and the artists. Digitally-produced art seemed to be the most popular format; however, hand-drawn sketches, photography, and multimedia formats were also on display.

Most of the artists who were displaying their work had online portfolios and many had already entered the workforce—either as interns, business partners or freelancers. Students were already familiar with the concept of networking and were prepared to discuss the details of their art, including techniques and tools they employed. All of them were clear about their passion!

Character development seemed to be a popular path; providing an entrée to the ubiquitous gaming market which, in turn, leads to opportunities in AI, VR, MR & AR. What a future!

The majority of the artists plan on graduating next month and are hoping to stay in Southern Oregon. EMCon provided a perfect showcase in which to display their talent.

Production of the event was managed by Jimmy Leavens and Warren Hedges, along with help and supervision from Sasha Timmen and Robert Arellano.

Author: Karen
Written: 5/19/17
Published: 5/23/17
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