A small group of CocoaHeads gathered at The Brickroom to discuss the latest Apple news.

The evening was fairly subdued and the discussion involved rather esoteric topics; to wit:
- New Apple Hardware
- Monitors
- MacBook Pro: Touch Bar
- Doing a C# project without a background in C#
- Debuggers
- Crumb Trails: Obtuse Misuse
- Swift Features
- Coding Techniques: How to code better
- Using WOW to determine budgets
- Nanopoints
- Space/TimeTime Crystals
- German way of characterizing space/time
- Applying Crystal Measurements to the Budget Process
- Interview Questions: The Good | The Bad | The Ugly
- Book Recommendation: Nine Algorithms That Changed The Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today’s Computers
Join CocoaHeads each Second Thursday of The Month at The Brickroom starting at 6:00 p.m.
Author: Karen
Written: 2/10/17
Published: 2/10/17
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