Tech Workshops: Development Environments

Jason DeShazer (SOU, 2014) took time from his currently-very-busy schedule at OSF, his consulting, his clarinet playing in the SOU Clarinet Ensemble, and his Aikido Training to volunteer to teach others about new technology in Development Environments.

Jason prepared an excellent deck of slides that clearly described Vagrant, a development environment that is used to create virtual machines; and Ansible, a tool for provisioning and configuration management of those VMs.

As attendees set up their development environments using Vagrant, we were challenged by the discovery of a glitch. Aha! An opportunity for group debugging activity. The problem turned out to be a bug in the current version of Vagrant; resolved by teamwork.


A video of the presentation can be viewed on the Rogue Tech Hub YouTube Channel by clicking this link. (Best viewed with Chrome, for some reason.)

A copy of Jason’s slide deck, in .pdf format, can be viewed by clicking Development Environments

Jason proved himself to be a great presenter; deliberately moving through his presentation, and assisting everyone who had questions about getting started with the Vagrant CLI tools and then setting up Vagrant. Teaching skills come naturally to this bright young man! We hope he will again volunteer to lead newcomers to technology at a future Tech Workshop. Thanks, Jason!

Join Us in January for a Tech Workshop on Gaming; for details, please click here.


Author: Karen
Written: 11/11/16
Published: 11/13/16
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